China’s solution to the asteroid menace
Our earth is a very, very small part of the vast universe. This universe is full of space debris and asteroids, which are multiple times earth in size. They all are roaming like nomads in space and may sometime hit us. Thus, it becomes crucial for us to have a defense against them. Until now, NASA’s DART technology was the only mission in this direction. China has devised a new project to save us from this menace. Let’s look at it briefly.
Need for asteroid savior
Asteroids can be pretty significant and quite destructive. According to research from the Davidson Institute of Science, the educational arm of Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science, an asteroid over 140 meters in diameter would release energy at least a thousand times greater than that released by the first atomic bomb if it impacted Earth. Asteroids over 300m can destroy a whole continent.
With over 1113000 asteroids in our solar system, it’s pretty evident that asteroids could cause a drastic natural disaster, and we must protect ourselves against it.
About project
China has not yet disclosed the project entirely. Still, Chinese Defense Minister Wu Yanhua said, “China is planning a new initiative to combat the threat of a potential asteroid impact on Earth.”
From various sources, it can be said that the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) is working on ground- and space-based early warning systems that could observe incoming asteroids and sound the alarm if they pose a risk of impacting the Earth. They also plan to carry out a collision by directing a satellite or rocket in its direction, preventing damage to the earth.
China has been quite ambitious in space. It is also setting up its own space station. “Outer space holds virtually limitless amounts of energy and raw materials, from Helium-3 fuel on the Moon for clean fusion reactors to heavy metals and volatile gases from asteroids, which can be harvested for use on Earth and in space. China will almost certainly use any resources it can acquire to the detriment of its adversaries, competitors, and bystanders alike,” said former CIA space analyst Tim Chrisman.
This project is another example of China’s vision. Whatever it is, if the project succeeds, it would be beneficial for us.
We have been planning many space missions in recent times. Many satellites are destroyed after their lifetime. Space debris from them revolves around the earth for years. Destruction of asteroids will create debris of quite a large amount than satellites. We must not think of space as a junkyard to dump waste. It may have repercussions that we don’t know.
Whatever the repercussions, we know that danger is also quite significant. If left unattended, it may backfire on us. We must keep researching to eliminate the potential threat posed by asteroids by one means or another. Talking about China’s project is a good step in the right direction. If not anything, it will bring the attention of worldwide communities to the issue. Asteroids are moving without permission, and we must be ready to greet them if they arrive here.
Shashank Trivedi is the writer of this article. Views expressed and information provided belong solely to the author.